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January Newsletter


New Year’s Reflection

Although the last months have been difficult in so many ways, the coming of the New Year is the perfect time to remember that God specializes in bringing dead things to life, exchanging beauty for ashes, and making all things new (2 Corinthians 5:17). The New Year is also a great time to reflect and make changes in our lives. Maybe there’s some action the Lord has been impressing upon your heart that he wants you to take. It could be a person he wants you to reach out to, a habit he wants to help you break, or a spiritual discipline he’d like to see you implement. Whatever it is, remember, we can do nothing in our own strength. But - when we surrender and rely on the Holy Spirit, God is able to do more in and through our lives than we can even imagine!

Fellowship and Upcoming Events

During the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s so easy to feel disconnected and separated from one another. A great way to combat this is by joining us for our weekly and monthly online events. Even when we can’t be together in person, the Bible’s admonition still holds true, “Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another.” (Hebrews 10:25)

Quiz Night

Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in January’s Quiz Night! It was a great battle of Trivia but also a time of fellowship and meeting new people on Zoom. Keep a lookout for the next one in February. If the Quiz night is of interest to you, feel free to check out the promo video below:

Prayer Night

Prayer Night has been going for the last few months and opportunity to pray for various aspects. Prayer Night happens twice a month on a Tuesday Evening so feel free to join us.

The Bible Course

The bible is big! and The Bible Course is to explore the bible from start to finish in just 8 weeks! recently started for a 8 week programme, It is not too late to join so get in touch if you wish to join. This course is run by Harry & Jenn's Life Group.

Message Harry & Jenn for the Zoom details. Wednesday @ 7:30 pm.

Life Groups Our Student, Working Adults and Family Life Groups continue to a meet on a weekly basis via Zoom for a time of Games, Worship, Sharing, Prayer and Bible Study. Not been to a Lifegroup yet and want to go deeper into learning God’s word in a smaller, more intimate group setting? check out Hope London’s Lifegroups video below.

Online Church

Due to the Coronavirus Our Sunday Services are online based via Zoom. Be sure to join us online every Sunday for Ice Breaking Game, Worship, Prayer, and Bible study.

Alpha Course (Starting 12th February)

The Alpha Course explores questions about life and the Christian faith in a relaxed, informal setting. Join us via zoom to explore these questions with other fellow seekers. The duration of the course will be between 8-10 sessions with the first session on Friday 12th February 2021. Registration is available at the following url:



We are an International Church in London Central. We are committed to loving one another, loving neighbours and making disciples.

Make this church your home!

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Hope London Community Church is a charity registered in England and Wales (no.1089232)

© 2020 Hope London Community Church

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